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Supporting the community
Alongside this, everyone who books in will receive the chance to enter a lucky dip and win a prize!
We are thrilled to be taking part in this year’s Bromyard Christmas tree festival. This year our theme is ‘Honesty at Christmas’- Christmas can mean different things for us all and this year we asked people at Hope what Christmas meant for them. The answers came thick and fast, some are happy, loving words and some are sad and not easy to read, but they are honest. We hope, however you spend this Christmas our honesty at Christmas tree means something to everyone who sees it.
Everyone at The Hope Centre was really pleased to receive a visit from the High Sheriff of Herefordshire, Sarah da Rohan yesterday. Sarah met with some of the Trustees and staff and then stayed for a delicious lunch with the Over 60s Lunch Club…. Sarah very kindly spoke a few words and it was a privilege to hear about the work a High Sheriff does and the historic importance of the role. We showed Sarah round the Centre and had a lovely chat about all the things we do here along the way … “I am overwhelmed by all the activities and help that you offer the Bromyard Community”…. as the High Sheriff said there’s quite a lot going on!