On Thursday 29th November we held our annual Christmas Fayre. The staff team worked hard for weeks and weeks and we were so pleased it was such a success. Thank you to everyone who came – it was very wet and windy and so we were even more grateful to those who ventured out. Our fundraiser events are really important and help us raise funds that are used to support families and children who attend the centre. Thanks to the efforts of our staff, volunteers, stall holders and supporters we raised an amazing £1100!
There could be no fayre without stalls and this year we had a record 23 stalls – there was a lovely range of different products from original pottery and art pieces to cushions and some wonderful bunting and other gifts. It was amazing! The feedback from customers has been wonderful to hear.
We would also like to thank the Mayor and Mayoress of Bromyard for officially opening the fayre and local Councillor Alan Seldon for coming along. The community’s support for the Centre is so much appreciated.
Thank you to everyone who came along and to all those who supported the raffle. First prize winner of the Christmas hamper went to Dave Neville and the second prize winner was Ben Mulholland.
We look forward to seeing you next year!
Merry Christmas everyone!