*Sally has been supported by Hope Community Hub since the project first began running in June. Sally has two children aged under 10 and is a single parent. Sally had a job offer prior to lockdown, however, this was withdrawn when the pandemic hit and she struggled to find work. This had a negative impact on her mental health and wellbeing. Sally had to manage a household on a limited income and home school her three children. Our hub has supported Sally with emotional support online/over the telephone and via doorstep visits to her home. Sally and her children have accessed our Hub hot meals once per week and holiday hub packed lunches during the school holidays. Part of our role was also to put her in touch with agencies that could support her with her finances, mental health and to seek employment. Sally tells us ‘I am so grateful for the help and kindness that I have received from the community hub, I have to take things day by day, but I don’t like to think where we’d be if we hadn’t accepted the support. Having someone to share things with and to support me has made things so much easier. I have never thought that I would be in this situation but now I know it’s okay- there are people who can help us’.
- name has been changed
We know asking for help isn’t easy and taking that first step can be difficult. Now more than ever people are finding things tough. If you don’t know where to turn or how to access help, you could try calling or texting us on 07395 959240 and we will offer you some friendly advice or support.