Summer News from HOPE
By the time you read this it will be July and we will be halfway through the year. How quickly the first 6 months in 2017 have gone! We have welcomed some new faces – both children and adults – to the centre and have recently had to say some goodbyes too: to Gemma who went on maternity leave and had baby Joby in April; to Gail who started work at a local care home; to Claire who decided to have some time out and to Maxine who moved to a different role as a carer. We wish them all much success and happiness in the future. We said hallo and a warm welcome to Lauren, Natasha, Kerry and Sally in Early Years; to Mickey who returned to the Admin team after having Oakley last year and to Blaise as Finance Officer. Congratulations go to Rachel, Carly and Kerry, Room Leaders of pre-school, Ladybirds and Caterpillars, respectively, on their internal promotions. [Read more…]