As we come to the end of month two, Heidi Mulholland and the Hub team are really happy to have been helping our local community and giving people advice, guidance, emotional support and practical help. We’ve had a great response from local partners and professionals in the community who have given us some lovely feedback and told us what a great service we are offering. We’re so pleased that people are referring to the service and would like to thank the Council, health teams and local schools for making sure help is being offered.
Referring to us is easy and only take a phone call or text and we will get back in touch really quickly. All staff are safeguarding trained and DBS checked and experienced in offering help and support without judgment, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch because we know how hard it is to ask for help sometimes.
We recently launched our Hope Holiday Hub service to help with food and cooking and are using the fabulous team in our cafe (currently closed) to cook healthy meals with a delicious pud as well as lunch boxes for children. All meals come with a recipe card and allergen advice so you can have a go at home if you fancy!
If you want to chat or discuss anything, call us 07395 959240 or email